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filename: CEGUIEvent.h
created: 15/10/2004
authors: Paul D Turner (High-level design)
Gerald Lindsly (Coder)
purpose: Defines interface for Event class
Crazy Eddie's GUI System (http://www.cegui.org.uk)
Copyright (C)2004 - 2005 Paul D Turner (paul@cegui.org.uk)
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef _CEGUIEvent_h_
#define _CEGUIEvent_h_
#if defined (_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable : 4786)
# pragma warning(disable : 4251)
# if !defined (_MSC_EXTENSIONS)
# pragma warning (disable : 4224)
# endif
#include "CEGUIBase.h"
#include "CEGUIString.h"
#include "CEGUIEventArgs.h"
#include "CEGUIRefPtr.h"
#include <map>
// Start of CEGUI namespace section
namespace CEGUI
The base class for the various binders. This provides a consistent
interface for firing functions bound to an event.
template <typename Ret, typename Args>
class SubscriberInterface {
virtual Ret operator()(Args) const = 0;
virtual ~SubscriberInterface() {}
This class binds a free function.
template <typename Ret, typename Args>
class _freeBinder : public SubscriberInterface<Ret,Args>
virtual Ret operator()(Args args) const
return d_f(args);
typedef Ret (*SlotFunction)(Args);
_freeBinder(SlotFunction f) : d_f(f) {}
SlotFunction d_f;
This class binds a copy of a functor.
template <class Functor, typename Ret, typename Args>
class _functorBinder : public SubscriberInterface<Ret,Args>
virtual Ret operator()(Args args) const
return d_f(args);
_functorBinder(const Functor& f) : d_f(f) {}
Functor d_f;
This class binds a member function along with a target object.
template <class T, typename Ret, typename Args>
class _memberBinder : public SubscriberInterface<Ret,Args>
typedef Ret (T::*F)(Args);
virtual Ret operator()(Args args) const
return (d_t->*d_f)(args);
_memberBinder(F f, T* t) : d_f(f), d_t(t) {}
F d_f;
T* d_t;
This template describes the Subscriber class. It is a wrapper
for a pointer to a SubscriberInterface with various constructors
that will by implicit conversion construct the various binders.
template <typename Ret, typename Args>
class SubscriberTemplate
Ret operator()(Args args) const
return (*d_si)(args); // call the bound function
typedef Ret (*SlotFunction)(Args);
//! construct from a free function
SubscriberTemplate(SlotFunction f)
d_si = new _freeBinder<Ret,Args>(f);
//! construct from a member function and a pointer to the target object.
template <class T>
SubscriberTemplate(Ret (T::*f)(Args), T* target)
d_si = new _memberBinder<T,Ret,Args>(f, target);
//! construct from a generalized functor by copying it
template <typename Functor>
SubscriberTemplate(const Functor& f)
d_si = new _functorBinder<Functor,Ret,Args>(f);
construct from a preconstructed SubscriberInterface.
used for SubscriberRef().
SubscriberTemplate(SubscriberInterface<Ret,Args>* si) : d_si(si) {}
//! copy constructor
SubscriberTemplate(const SubscriberTemplate<Ret,Args>& copy) : d_si(copy.d_si) {}
//! 'less than' comparable for insertion in a map
bool operator<(const SubscriberTemplate<Ret,Args>& rhs) const { return d_si < rhs.d_si; }
//! release the binding -- called upon disconnection
void release() const
delete d_si;
SubscriberInterface<Ret,Args>* d_si;
This class binds a const reference to a generalized functor.
Sometimes it may not be appropriate for the functor to be
cloned. In which case, use SubscriberRef() (which uses this).
template <class Functor, typename Ret, typename Args>
class _refBinder : public SubscriberInterface<Ret,Args>
virtual Ret operator()(Args args) const
return d_f(args);
_refBinder(const Functor& f) : d_f(f) {}
const Functor& d_f;
This helper function produces a const reference binding
template <class Functor>
SubscriberInterface<bool, const EventArgs&>*
SubscriberRef(const Functor& f)
return new _refBinder<Functor,bool,const EventArgs&>(f);
Defines an 'event' which can be subscribed to by interested parties.
An Event can be subscribed by a function, a member function, or a function object. Whichever option
is taken, the function signature needs to be as follows
<em>bool function_name(const EventArgs& args);</em>
An Event object may not be copied.
Interface to be implemented by connection objects.
class ConnectionInterface : public Referenced {
virtual bool connected() { return false; }
virtual void disconnect() {}
typedef RefPtr<ConnectionInterface> Connection;
A Connection object that automatically disconnects from the event
when the ScropedConnection object goes out of scope (and is deleted).
class ScopedConnection {
ScopedConnection(Connection conn_) : conn(conn_) {}
~ScopedConnection() { conn->disconnect(); }
Connection conn;
typedef SubscriberTemplate<bool, const EventArgs&> Subscriber;
typedef int Group;
Construction and Destruction
Constructs a new Event object with the specified name
Event(const String& name);
Destructor for Event objects
virtual ~Event(void);
Return the name given to this Event object when it was created.
String object containing the name of the Event object.
const String& getName(void) const {return d_name;}
Subscribes some function / object to the Event
\param subscriber
A function, static member function, or function object, with the signature void function_name(const EventArgs& args)
A Connection pointer which can be used to disconnect (unsubscribe) from the Event, and to check the connection state.
Connection subscribe(Subscriber subscriber) { return subscribe(0, subscriber); }
Subscribes some function / object to the Event
\param group
The Event group to subscribe to, subscription groups are called in ascending order, followed by subscriptions with no group.
connections to the same group may be called in any order.
\param subscriber
A function, static member function, or function object, with the signature void function_name(const EventArgs& args)
A Connection which can be used to disconnect (unsubscribe) from the Event, and to check the connection state.
Connection subscribe(Group group, Subscriber subscriber);
Fires the event. All event subscribers get called in the appropriate sequence.
\param args
An object derived from EventArgs to be passed to each event subscriber.
void operator()(EventArgs& args);
Copy constructor and assignment are not allowed for events
Event(const Event& evt) {}
Event& operator=(const Event& evt) {return *this;}
removes the subscriber from the event.
\param subscriber
A pointer to a SubscriberInterface which is to be removed from the event.
- true, if the subscriber was registered with the event in the specified group and it was removed.
- false, if not.
bool unsubscribe(Subscriber subscriber, Group group=0);
class GroupSubscriber {
Group group;
Subscriber subscriber;
GroupSubscriber(Group group_, Subscriber subscriber_)
: group(group_), subscriber(subscriber_) {}
struct ltGroupSubscriber
bool operator()(const GroupSubscriber& gs1, const GroupSubscriber& gs2) const
return gs1.group < gs2.group ||
gs1.group == gs2.group && gs1.subscriber < gs2.subscriber;
typedef std::map<GroupSubscriber, Connection, ltGroupSubscriber> ConnectionOrdering;
Implementation Data
const String d_name; //!< Name of this event
ConnectionOrdering connectionOrdering;
friend class ConnectionImpl;
} // End of CEGUI namespace section
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(pop)
#endif // end of guard _CEGUIEvent_h_